Thursday, February 4, 2010

Revised Frozen Shoulder

Hi there and thank you for visiting Myochanics Blog.

My desire here is to give you knowledge that you can apply.

We have had extensive experience in Shoulder injuries, including Frozen Shoulder and "torn rotator cuff" and "torn labrums".
Did you know that most Frozen Shoulders are expereinced by women and not by men?
If you have been suffering with a frozen shoulder condition for months we can probably help you regain your rane of motion quite considerably. Without a doubt we can reduce and most times completely eliminate the pain.
Depending upon how long the condition has existed and the desire of the patient to overcome this malady will determine the degree of resolution we can achieve.
It is our desire to see significant results in the first visit. Whether it be in a reduction of pain or in the increase of range of motion along with the pain reduction we feel quite confident that you will objectively feel and see results from the first visit.
Women, if you have frozen shoulder and can't remenber injuring yourself, ask yourself when your last mamogram was. We havew seen a few female clients who attest to the fact that the mamogram was the only traumatic event that they could recall.

If you have questions about your shoulder injury call us at 512-376-2877.
Ask for Annette or Donald
We would love to help you.

What's Your Title? part 1

Today, it seems all we get are titles. When working for an employer a while back, all I got were titles rather than monetary compensation.
Likewise, I recall an episode of Cheers where Woody Harrelson was wanting a raise and Rebecca conned him out of the raise by convincing him that the titles were of more value than a raise and that she was glad to give him the raise as long as he was not asking for a title. Well, Woody not being one to get the short end of the stick demanded the title rather than the raise. Funny stuff.

It occurs more often than not that clients and patients receive a title from their physician with little more than a congratulatory handshake and a script for some pharmaceutical that claims to treat this ambiguous xyz syndrome. Little is done or said to help the patient understand how they got there nor how to get back. Some people begin to take the meds without reading of the side effects, and portray a loyalty to the drug as though they couldn't possibly ever get off of it.
All too often the patient is told they have "xyz" and here is your meds with out ever talking about when we will be able to get off the drugs; "When will I be better?" or "How long will i need to take this 'medicine' that happens to give me more side effects than the initial 'illness'?"

Conditions like; Osgood Schlatters, Sjogren's, Char cot Marie Tooth, Plantar Fasciitis, Arthritis, Degenerative Disc Disorder or Peripheral Neuropathy to name only a few sound quite ominous. However, when looked at from a logical deductive perspective we can see how we got here and find our way back Home or back to more normal.

When patients state, "I have Arthritis" or "My vertebrae are all fractured in my neck" I know that I may have my hands full re-educating them.
The Human body is an amazing machine. It can heal itself given the basic elements. And the mind is a powerful tool to help or it can be a powerful weapon to prohibit healing.
As with prescription drugs, they too can be useful and they can also be a destructive element. I believe that all too often we look to the Pharmaceuticals as a savior rather than looking to the Savior as the true Physician. As a society we have placed more faith in the system rather than the Creator of the body that designs these systems.
Health care for instance, while we don't take insurance we see more people getting better and potentially healed and empowered more without insurance than those who are virtually enslaved to the health care plan that they belong to.
Any claim made on an insurance plan is recorded and later can be used against you if your company changes plans. It will look to the insurance company as though you have a pre-existing condition and the cost of your coverage will most likely be adjusted to benefit the insurance company and not you.
I believe that we have been given an awesome body that can not only prevent illness but fight it and restore order to itself. If your body isn't doing this it is only because we lack some basic building blocks or materials in our body to help facilitate restoration.
If you have been given a title, you deserve to know more.
Fractured vertebra does not mean that your vertebrae are crumbling with cracks. That interpretation can lead to the physical stress that leads to muscular guarding and that leads to more stiffness and more pain. but understanding that the word "fracture" means compromise in the periosteum. This compromise is due to the muscles which attach at the bony mass attach via a tendon to the ligament or periosteum (bone skin-outer most layer of the bone). This unending stress on the bone by the tight knotted muscle begins to pull the periosteum away from the bone. That tearing away of the bone skin elicits the accumulation of calcium at the site of the compromise, leading to an x-ray image that shows calcium; arthritis or the leaching of the calcium from the bones in the vicinity to fuel the 24 hour contractions in the muscle then leading to the "degeneration" of the disc.
We can address all these situations through the application of nutrition and Myotherapy.
By first addressing the cause, we look at the dietary intake of the clients. All too often we as a society are consuming way too much caffeine. Caffeine being a diuretic causes the expulsion of both water and most importantly our minerals; electrolytes. This purging of our body of the most important elements leaves us bankrupt to expel waste products like lactic acid. The over abundance of lactic acid and other metabolic waste products leads to muscle tenderness and limited range of motion.
For instance carbonated drinks leach potassium and magnesium. Potassium imbalance will cause the blood pressure to rise, water retention and the all too common cold hands and cold feet syndrome. Lack of magnesium will lead to the inability to relax the muscles.
Furthermore, symptoms like constipation, bacterial infections like staphylococcus and dry skin; eczema and psoriasis are all symptoms of mineral imbalances.
By modifying our diet and liquid consumption we can profoundly affect the condition we are in.
Then though articulate and precise application of Orthopedic Myotherapy we can alleviate the contraction knots in the muscles and stretch them out effectively increasing range of motion and relieve the stress on the attachment points.
Then with neuro-muscular re-education we can reset the muscles of concern to function more correctly increasing their strength and function.
Last but not least we look at the kiniesiological influences at work or home that move the body into compromising postures and do our best to educate the client as to what they must do to prohibit recurrence.
No matter what your title is, there really is an explanation for it and you deserve to know.
I have much more to say regarding this subject but you need to go back to work and so do I.
May God's wisdom accompany you today and your desire for answers increase.