Good Day to you, Do you know someone who suffers with 'corporal' tunnel? I get a kick out of how many different pronunciations of carpal tunnel we get in the world around us. People every day leave the doctor's office with the new title of carpal tunnel and they don't even know what it means let alone who to pronounce it. So today, Dr No-Knife will explain in a language even Lucille Ball could understand. Today more than ever people use computers. that repetitive motion with the hands in a pronated position (which is to have the arms out and hands facing down. The rotation at the wrist that allows the hand to face down is called pronation. There is a primary muscle responsible for that action and it is called Pornator Teres. that muscle will get 'hypertoned' (kind'a like Arnold Schwarzenegger is) only to cause a pinching of the median nerve. The pain documented from that particular muscle-nerve pinch (myo-neural impingement)is exactly what you would be suffering with if you 'had' carpal tunnel. At Myochanics Myotherapy Clinic also known as Caldwell County Wellness Center we treat the muscle condition all too often called and labeled 'carpal tunnel'. When I say we treat; what I mean to say is that people find complete relief from their pain through our techniques. With over 26 years combined experience; Husband and wife team; Donald and Annette Maher are so successful that they have international recognition. they don't call him Dr. No-knife fro nothing. The following is a picture of the muscle in question.
If you take the arm and extend it in front of you with the hand facing up; 1. you will notice that it is fatiguing fairly quickly. 2. take the opposing arm and hand and place the thumb of the opposing hand upon the inner elbow(medial epicondyle of humerus @ ulna) and apply lotion with moderate but careful pressure with the thumb. We will be slowly and deeply sliding toward the hand diagonally across the forearm. Picture an arrow pointing from the elbow to the wrist and crossing diagonally from inside to outside of the arm. Get it? Now slowly with the hand facing up glide repeatedly in a diagonal direction with a level of depth that doesn't cause you to tense up. As you progress in time doing this you will notice the decreased level of sensitivity. You may also notice some duplication of your pain complaints and/or your nerve sensations, numbness and fatigue. continue this method everyday as part of your routine. "If you expect to be able to drive this car, you have to learn how to change the oil."- Ace Mechanic Pappa Kline There was some wisdom in him. So schedule your appointment to see Mr. and Mrs. "Dr. No-Knife" at the Caldwell County Wellness Center in Lockhart Texas and begin your self-massage today! There is no other Myochanics Technique. We are proud to call Lockhart, Texas our home. Come to Lockhart, Home of the BBQ capital of Texas. We love 'em all and they are all within one mile of each other. And the best rub of all goes to... > > > > Myochanics Myotherapy
Think Outside the Box!
We have better more effective remedial soft tissue therapy than you'll find anywhere and we're proud of it. If you're still hurting, you haven't been to us.
Carpal Tunnel Treatments start at $350
5 visits in 3 weeks= guaranteed success!
No more going 6 weeks for recovery.
After 5 visits, there will be a re-evaluation and assessment to see where you are and where you want to be.
Book your stay at any one of Lockharts hotels.
The Lockhart Inn
Best Western
The Plum Creek Inn
Call us today and get on your way to Wellness!
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