Friday, January 13, 2012
The Pink Eye
Are you a woman?
Was your mother a woman?
Or do you know someone who has a woman as their mother?
Well, if so this should be good reading.
first off I want to say thank you to all the moms, tia's ; aunts, grandmas; obuelitas for creating in our homes a sense of family. I long for that sense of family in America. In honor of all that you did and do, this informatino is free, use it ot grow and to prosper this year. This will be your best year to date.
Why are all these osteo-porosis medicines coming out?
Why are so many people on cholesterol medication?
I subscribe to a mindset that believes that women's "medicine" is not a science but rather a practice, or maybe a trial. In other words I thing that women get an unfair shake.
I think that most of the male doctors don't empathize with women... and I'm a man.
I want you to know that if you are a woman over the age of 40 and you are made to be concerned about your bone health with bone density scans and the like, then Myo2MEDS and Formula513 are right for you.
Ask yourself this. What is the difference between the woman of the 1920's or the 30's or the 40's who had 8,9,and 10 children?
How did they do it?
Today however, we are told that if you don't keep the limit to 2 children you will "destroy" your body.
It's simply not true.
The reason that women may indeed seem to suffer more gestational pathologies or (dis-eases)than of our predecessors is because they (our mothers before us ate more dirt than we do.
What do I mean?
Grandma drank water out of the well, usually.
The water we drank was mineral rich.
The soil was richer than it is today.
You got your furits and vegatables fresh picked and not picked weeks early.
Our grandparents drank healthy water with the minerals in it.
Tose minerals are critcal for maintaining homeostasis.
The minerals we're talking about are the same macro minerals that the hospital give you in an I.V. drip to stabilize you while in their care. The solution also contains over 70 trace(micro quantities) minerals that have individual enzymatic functions.
Did you know that bacteria can not thrive in a mineral rich environment?
Did you know that the minerals found in Myo2MEDS and Formula513 are found in minute quantities in our food?
While our food supply is to fill our nutritional needs, it doesn't.
I feel that the reason it doesn't meet our nutritional needs is because the soils are not what they used to be,,, but, the produce has to be ppicked early and shipped so it is never gooing to be what grandma use to have.
Have you enjoyed the picking of and eating of the fruit that God has bless you with in your garden. We can strive toward getting a nutritinal edge on life by supplementing electrolyte minerals.
Think of the electrolyte minerals as a magnetized wheelbarrow that carries oxygen to the cells and carries metabolic waste products away from the cell and to the organs of elimination.
When you are mineral defficient... and you are, your body is desiring the minerals.
You may experience a detoxifying flush when a toxic body gets a hold of the minerals that it needs, you are going to empty that gut.
The truth about osteo-porosis and osteo-penia is that it is a calium metabolism that is disfunctional. The body lacks the ability to get the calcium in the muscle tissue and subsequently it starts to rob it from the bones.
The missing element is Magnesium!!!
By increasing the body's magnesium intake you can pay the debt to the muscles and your muscles will relax more, your bone density scans will testify to the efficacy of our product.
When you increase the Magnesium, your calcium metabolism will be restored. Calcium and Magnesium together equals healthy muscle tissue, with good twitch response.
When yo ureplace the Chloride you will sense clarity come over you and a sense of mental alertness increase.
When you increase your Potassium you can effectively control the water blance of the body and see a significant reduction in leg cramps.
Potassium is used by the pharmaceutical companies control high blood pressure. So doesn't it stand to reason that we must be deficient in the mineral if those companies see its benefits.
Now imagine a product that is so safe that you can add it to the water that you water your plants with, and watch them thrive!
You can give it to your pets in their water or food.
Most of all you need to take it regularly.
Because of your menses, you also will lose more minerals; iron, copper, zinc as well as magnesium and potassium; leading to water retention, cramps in the legs, low back and neck, arthritis, migraine headaches as well as many other symptoms.
Please go to our Website at and read about our product.
It is one of a kind. Our sources provide us with the finest in electrolyte mineral that are totally attainable to the body at 90 to 100%.
If my premise is correct, than the on;y critical element missing in our diets today is the nutrition/ minerals that we use to get in the days of past.
If i could use the Myo2MEDS for season salt instead of plain salt, I can be supplementing with my foods as well as adding it to my drinks.
A little at a time all day long.
You Don't have to have osteoporosis.
Remineralize your body and watch narmalcy return. Your body's pH level will become restored and you will witness a transformation of your life and soul.
In the New Testament (Brit Chadashah) Matt 5:13 it reads; "You are the salt of the earth, but what good is salt if it loses it's flavor? And how can we make it salty again?
It's no good for anything but to be thrown into the streets and trampled on by man.
Now what if the lesson include that we are created from the "dust" of the earth, the mirey clay, or the dirt. Well, last I looked dirt is nothing but various minerals and particulates that our body uses. What you don't need comes straight out usally carrying some metabolic garbage along with it.
This year, relax, learn to roll with the punches better. You're an awesome creation of the One true Living God whose Name is Yeshua/Jesus. His Name is Salvation.
I hope that my ramblings in some way make sense to you.
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